
Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Hof and Dr. Kevin Gomez, project partners from the Technische Hochschule Ingolstad (THI), presented the SELFY project at the State Office for Central Police Services North Rhine-Westphalia (LZPD NWR), in Germany, the 15th of March. 

As a central service department within the North Rhine-Westphalia police, LZPD NRW supports local police work and implements and validates future technologies for police agencies in Germany. 

Prof. Dr. Hof and Dr. Gomez presented the SELFY project and visited the Innovation Lab, laboratories and workshop of LZPD. During the presentation of the research results, different topics around the Vehicle Security Operation Center (VSOC) were discussed, and many points of contact between the SELFY project and current innovations for the police were identified. 

LZPD NRW officers showed interest in SELFY’s VSOC approach and a willingness to work with project outcomes, which could become an opportunity to explore project uses across different industries.  

The SELFY project develops a toolbox made up of collaborative solutions with the objective to improve the resilience of the Cooperative Connected Automated Mobility sector against cyber-attacks, malfunction, misuse, or system failure of the systems in use. 

THI, which has large experience in vehicle security and safety, is in charge of validation of the SELFY project results as well as for the design of the vehicle security operations centre.