Did you know that the number of connected cars worldwide is expected to increase from 110 million units in 2020 to 200 million in 2025?
Did you know that according to the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), in the latter part of 2022 and the first half of 2023, the cybersecurity landscape witnessed a significant increase in both the variety and quantity of cyberattacks and their consequences?
Did you know that Cybersecurity is defined by the Cooperative Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM) Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) as a Key Enabling Technology required to provide robustness and resilience?
That being said, as more connected and automated cars hit the roads, more cyberattacks and threats arise. Therefore, having a cybersecurity solution for CCAM is very important and requires more and more cybersecurity and privacy tools. Considering the new regulatory requirements in CCAM, the market potential is evident, which is estimated at 535 million euros, according to a report from Precedence Research.
The SELFY project aims to provide a complete cybersecurity solution for CCAM increasing perception and awareness, robustness, attack detection and mitigation rate and providing safe states and secure updates, everything orchestrated by a VSOC. It’s time to protect yourSELF, and that’s what SELFY does!
Just check out this video to understand a bit more about the SELFY project:
The SELFY Toolbox
SELFY, made up by a consortium of 16 partners from 8 European countries, is developing a set of tools generating a distributed global solution, where protection, response and recovery decisions will be managed locally or globally.
The toolbox will be able to be easily deployed across vehicles, infrastructure, and cloud, providing robustness and resilience to the CCAM sector. It supplies mechanisms of self-awareness, self-resilience and self-healing mechanisms and enhances TRUST between the different stakeholders.

Situational Awareness and Collaborative Perception (SACP)
The SACP includes a set of tools to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the environment, perception and position of objects through the use of artificial intelligence and the aggregation and fusion of sensor and V2X data.
Cooperative Resilience and Healing System (CRHS)
The CRHS includes a set of tools that will trigger self-protection whenever a compromised situation is detected. Actions can be taken locally or in cooperation at global CCAM level. This global capacity is embodied in the VSOC.
Trust Data Management System (TDMS)
TDMS includes a set of tools addressed to build a secure and trusted environment for data in a collaborative context for both infrastructure and vehicles.
By defining a collaborative environment between the different tools, SELFY can respond to new threats, risks and attacks and facilitates the comprehension of new challenges in the cybersecurity aspect of CCAMs.
Who are SELFY project final users?
SELFY project toolbox target groups are connected vehicle providers (OEMs, Tier1, Tier2), road operators and traffic and infrastructure management centers (cities, traffic control centres, VSOCs), in addition to service providers (fleet operators, maintenance, insurance companies…), infrastructure (road operators, cities, traffic control centers, SOCs), as SELFY tools contribute preventing and managing cyberattacks in connected and automated cars, leading to a healthier, safer, more secure, more accessible, cost-effective and sustainable transport sector.
Policy makers, such as standardization bodies, technical committees, or authorities, can also benefit from project advances and, above all, society, increasing trust and easing the adoption and deployment of Autonomous Vehicles, as well as guaranteeing the inclusiveness of citizens, drivers and Vulnerable Road Users (VRU).
Author: Eurecat Technology Center