Congress & Exhibition

Fanny Breuil, SELFY project’s coordinator from Eurecat, attended the 4th Future of Road Mobility – EARPA FORM Forum 2023, celebrated from 17th – 19th of October in Brussels, Belgium.

SELFY was included in the general rollup located in Eurecat’s booth as one of the key European projects of the centre working in the fields of automotive, mobility and cybersecurity, with the aim to design and create self-assessment protection and healing tools for a resilient CCAM’s ecosystem.

Moreover, project’s flyers were distributed during the event and the animated video of the project was showcased in the Eurecat’s stand offering a general explanation of SELFY, its main objectives and the expected benefits.

On the other hand, Eurecat also presented Flexcrash, MARBEL and Frontier, four European projects coordinated by the centre and developing solutions to push research and innovation in the automotive and mobility industry.

The EARPA Forum 2023 brought together stakeholders from industry, academia and governments with the objective to share knowledge and ideas, providing the next generation with a new era of automotive solutions and acting as a powerful motivator for the continued growth of the automotive industry and its contributors.

EARPA is the association of automotive R&D entities formed by 52 members ranging from large and small commercial organisations to national institutes and universities and bringing together the most prominent independent providers in the automotive sector throughout Europe.