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Would you have gotten into an elevator during its first test runs?

The impact for those who experienced it must have been overwhelming, and surely many people at the time of the inauguration said they would never ride one. However, the benefit was obvious, and the technology prevailed.

And would you have done so when elevator operators were no longer needed?

The thought of being alone in such a small space, many meters above the ground… something that initially also raised concerns. And yet, today we all use them without any hesitation.

The race to enjoy autonomous vehicles is only just beginning, and like all disruptive technologies, it faces a certain degree of resistance to its use and acceptance. There are many historical examples, and we’ve only mentioned one here, but as Elon Musk once said: “When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favour.”

There are still many challenges we must resolve to reach vehicles that drive completely by themselves on our roads without human intervention; but little by little, we are developing the technologies that will make it possible.


What are the challenges and hurdles to boost the acceptance of autonomous vehicles?

For example, according to a recent study, confidence in them has declined in the US in 2023, with only 22% of consumers stating they feel comfortable with the idea of using a fully autonomous vehicle. Additionally, another study in Japan and Israel pointed out that perceived risk factors, such as the possibility of technical failures and the lack of personal control, are significant barriers to public acceptance of these vehicles.

Why does this happen?

Well, as we know, we are talking about a set of new technologies that will take control of driving away from us and make decisions autonomously. Since we do not see how the vehicles make these decisions, it is natural that we experience a certain level of distrust, especially considering the great complexity of navigating through urban traffic or driving at high speeds on a highway. The perceived risk is high, as we are placing our physical safety in the hands of technologies we still do not fully understand.

There are many benefits that a model of mobility based on autonomous and connected vehicles offers, particularly in terms of efficiency, sustainability, integration, new travel experiences, and accident reduction. However, despite the initial progress, as with any disruptive technology, its social acceptance is still far from total.

Although these fears are understandable, current technologies are already proving their effectiveness. Thanks to ADAS, vehicle safety is improving, and we are already benefiting from it. And this is just the beginning.


Cybersecurity, a key piece for the future of autonomous mobility

One of the major challenges in the coming years is ensuring that autonomous vehicles are secure against potential cyberattacks, as vehicles become more interconnected with their surroundings, opening new doors to threats related to cybersecurity.


“Most people don’t realize that cybersecurity is a cat and mouse game, and the mice are winning.” Kevin Mitnick.


This threat is being taken very seriously within the automotive sector and European institutions, and an example of this is the SELFY project, where we are working to ensure that vehicles can anticipate potential cyberattacks, while contributing to the development of self-management systems so that vehicles can detect, respond, and adapt to possible threats autonomously and in real time. In addition, we are promoting the improvement of redundancy systems, which allow vehicles to maintain control even if a critical part of the system were to fail, something essential to ensuring the safety of occupants and other road users.

In this regard, through the SELFY project, we are conducting a survey to analyse the acceptance of autonomous vehicles, in which you can collaborate and share your opinion on what you think the impact on your daily life will be. Here in English. And here in Spanish.

Moreover, we are studying various use cases to ensure effective social inclusion. To this end, we are focusing on raising awareness about the importance of developing technologies and vehicle interfaces that are accessible from the start, taking into account various vulnerable groups such as women, the elderly, and people with disabilities.

On the other hand, transparency is a fundamental pillar in generating public trust. At SELFY, we have carried out various public awareness campaigns, where we demonstrate in real time the advances in the security of these technologies and the tests that vehicles undergo to achieve this.

Through all these efforts, we aim to contribute to the acceptance of autonomous vehicles and the realization of a smarter, safer, and more inclusive autonomous mobility, and to demonstrate to society the efforts being made by the industry and European institutions to achieve this goal.

Technological evolution has always been marked by initial resistance and the doubts that major changes provoke. However, if history has taught us anything, it is that innovation never stops. Just as elevators revolutionized vertical mobility in buildings, autonomous vehicles are destined to change mobility as we know it, offering us countless advantages and opportunities that we cannot afford to miss.

Are you ready to join us on this journey?

Author: AEVAC