New tools responding threats, risks and attacks in the domain of cybersecurity of CCAM

To develop the SELFY toolbox, the project researches and implements a set of tools that are agnostic to OEMs and suppliers, being easily integrated in service and product development processes from the design stage considering the full Operational Design Domain (ODD) of the different CCAM scenarios.

The SELFY toolbox will include a set of tools focused on situational awareness, cooperative resilience, and trust and secure data exchange, which can be deployed in local, edge and cloud systems spreading across vehicles, infrastructure, and traffic management centres.

Situational Awareness and Collaborative Perception (SACP) macro-tool


Cooperative Resilience and Healing System (CRHS)
Tools that will elicit self-protection actions whenever a compromised situation is detected in relation to assets, vehicles, operations, or the system itself. These actions can be taken locally, or in cooperation with other tools so that decisions can be taken at the global CCAM level, a capability which is embodied in the Vehicle Security Operations Centre (VSOC).


Situational Awareness and Collaborative Perception (SACP)
A set of tools whose purpose is to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the environment in which each of the different assets or devices of a CCAM system are. The SACP component will incorporate advanced connected and intelligent infrastructures (RSUs), and in-vehicle sensors to obtain detailed information of a CCAM system.


Trust Data Management System (TDMS)
The TDMS includes all tools addressed to build a secure and trusted environment for data in a collaborative and cooperative context, both for infrastructure and assets, as well as for people’s data, such as drivers or pedestrians. The tools investigated, implemented and contained in the TDMS box are mainly based on cryptographic algorithms and technologies

Unique-in-its-kind solution

SELFY toolbox can define a collaborative environment between the different tools to respond to new threats, risks and attacks that come up in the future, facilitating the comprehension of new challenges in the domain of security and cybersecurity of CCAMs.


Five stages of development


Requirements & architecture

Analysis and definition of the collaborative architecture between the different SELFY tools


Research & prototyping

Researching algorithms and technologies for the implementation of the different SELFY tools, developing a prototype of each of them to validate their functionality and capabilities.


Laboratory validation

Individual validation of the tools developed in the laboratory.


Use case validation

Validating the different tools in a collaborative and cooperative context in a controlled environment, either a simulated environment or a real closed-loop environment.



SELFY toolbox results evaluation, conclusions and guidelines for usage and management of the implemented tools.