In the first project’s newsletter you will be able to find more about the different project’s tools focusing on situational awareness, cooperative resilience and trust data exchange being developed, the main activities and highlights of the first year of the project, top dissemination events participated by partners, SELFY sister project CONNECT project and much more!
SELFY newsletters

Newsletter 2 - February 2024
The second newsletter of the SELFY project includes information about our latest achievements and expected outcomes, the situational awareness and perception, cooperative resilience and trust data management tools being developed, the project’s validation scenarios, partners’ scientific production, events participated by members of the consortium and sister-project activities, among others.

Newsletter 3 - June 2024
The third newsletter of the SELFY project includes information about our situational awareness and cooperative platform, SELFY’s demo videos of the CCAM situational awareness tools, the latest project achievements and expected outcomes, our survey regarding the main challenges in cybersecurity for deploying Autonomous Vehicles, and events participated by SELFY partners, among others.