SELFY partners from the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI) participated in the CyberMatch Conference organised by Bayern Innovativ and celebrated from 24th of April – 5th of May 2023 in a hybrid format.
During the event, Hans-Joachim Hof, project partner and professor at THI, delivered the presentation “Monitoring of vehicles in the field – report from the research project SELFY”, explaining the project’s toolbox to be developed and detailing the SELFY VSOC architecture and structure. The presentation also included a general overview of the project and the partners participating in the consortium.
The SELFY toolbox defines a collaborative environment between the different tools to respond to new threats, risks and attacks that come up in the future, facilitating the comprehension of new challenges in the domain of security and cybersecurity of CCAMs.
The CyberMatch is organised by the Enterprise Europe Network in cooperation with trade delegations from several countries with the objective to facilitate business matchmarking activities during and after the RSA Conference, a premier cybersecurity event in North America.