Post-Quantum Cryptography for Connected and Cooperative Automated Mobility: A Comprehensive Overview
Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena (TRA2024) Conference
by Mohamed Saied Mohamed ( GmbH), Julie Godard, Adrien Jousse,(CEA, LIST, Communicating Systems Laboratory), Victor Jimenez,  Pau Perea Paños (Eurecat, Technology Centre of Catalonia, Unit of IT&OT Security), Miao Zhang ( GmbH)

Connected and Cooperative Automated Mobility (CCAM) applications, instrumental in enhancing vehicle communication with infrastructure and the cloud, face cybersecurity vulnerabilities due to their intricate components requiring multifaceted cryptographic validation. With quantum computing advancements, traditional public key cryptography becomes susceptible, emphasizing the need for quantum-resistant algorithms to assure long-term automotive cybersecurity. Although Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC), which provides solutions to counter this quantum risk is still under research, several algorithms have emerged and are under standardization. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the current status of PQC in automotive applications. further it includes performance analysis of PQC algorithms selected in this paper. Further, it presents some potential use cases of PQC (such as SOTA, V2X communication). By relying on PQC, the automotive industry can stay ahead in securing connected vehicles against emerging quantum computer threats.