SELFY - Self Assessment, Protection & Healing Tools for a Trustworthy and Resilient CCAM
Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena (TRA2024) Conference
by Victor Jimenez, Mario Reyes de los Mozos, Pau Perea Paños, Paula Cecilia Fritzsche (Eurecat, technology Centre of Catalonia), Kevin Gomez Buquerin, Tina Volkersdorfer, Hans-Joachim Hof (CARISSMA Institute for Electric, Connected, and Secure Mobility, Technical University Ingolstadt), Christophe Couturier, Thierry Ernst (YoGoKo), Miao Zhang, Mohamed Saied Mohamed ( Gmb), Mario Rodríguez-Arozamena, Iñigo Aranguren-Mendieta, Joshué Pérez (TECNALIA Research & Innovation, Basque Research and Technology Alliance), Adrien Jousse (CEA, LIST), Carlos Murguia, Nathan van de Wouw (TUE, Technical University of Eindhoven), Romain Bellessort (Canon Research Centre France), Behzad Salami, Aleksandar Jevtić (FICOSA ADAS), Boutheina Bannour (CEA, LIST), Manel Rodríguez Recasens, Isaac Ropero (IDIADA Automotive Technology), Burcu Ozbay, Ali Eren, Mustafa Bektas, Deryanur Tezcan (FEV Türkiye), Christoph Pilz, Sarah Haas (Virtual Vehicle Research) and Gernot Lenz (City of Vienna)

SELFY envisions an agnostic toolbox for the self-management of security and resilience of the CCAM (Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility) ecosystem, which can be easily deployed to extend the current Operational Design Domain (ODD), providing self-awareness, self-resilience and self-healing mechanisms and enhancing trust between stakeholders. SELFY is based on four pillars: Situational awareness, Resilience, Secure Data Sharing and Trust and provides three groups of tools. SACP (Situational Awareness and Collaborative Perception) tools aim at providing all CCAM actors with a comprehensive understanding of their environment, i.e., the perception of objects, such as other traffic participants and stationary objects. CRHS (Cooperative Resilience and Healing System) tools enable self-protection actions whenever a compromising situation is detected in relation to assets, vehicles, operations, or the system itself. TDMS (Trust and Data Management System) tools establish a secure and trusted environment for data in a collaborative and cooperative context, both for infra-structure and assets, as well as for citizen’s data, such as drivers or pedestrians with special attention to privacy considerations. By defining a collaborative environment between the different tools to respond to new threats, risks and attacks SELFY facilitates the comprehension of new challenges in the cybersecurity aspect of CCAMs.