SELFY - Self Assessment, Protection & Healing Tools for a Trustworthy and Resilient CCAM
SELFY envisions an agnostic toolbox for the self-management of security and resilience of the CCAM (Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility) ecosystem, which can be easily deployed to extend the current Operational Design Domain (ODD), providing self-awareness, self-resilience and self-healing mechanisms and enhancing trust between stakeholders. SELFY is based on four pillars: Situational awareness, Resilience, Secure Data Sharing and Trust and provides three groups of tools. SACP (Situational Awareness and Collaborative Perception) tools aim at providing all CCAM actors with a comprehensive understanding of their environment, i.e., the perception of objects, such as other traffic participants and stationary objects. CRHS (Cooperative Resilience and Healing System) tools enable self-protection actions whenever a compromising situation is detected in relation to assets, vehicles, operations, or the system itself. TDMS (Trust and Data Management System) tools establish a secure and trusted environment for data in a collaborative and cooperative context, both for infra-structure and assets, as well as for citizen’s data, such as drivers or pedestrians with special attention to privacy considerations. By defining a collaborative environment between the different tools to respond to new threats, risks and attacks SELFY facilitates the comprehension of new challenges in the cybersecurity aspect of CCAMs.