Okayama University



Okayama University is a Japanese national comprehensive University located in South West Japan. The number of students is close to 13 000. The University has an International reputation in Physics (Solid State), Environmental and life Studies and Computer Science (with specificities in cybersecurity and cryptography). In the medical sector, Okayama University hospital is a major institution the Chugoku province (South West).

Contribution to SELFY

The Okayama University SELFY team will provide feedback on the proposed Verification and Validation (V&V) techniques for the evaluation of the CCAM system robustness, particularly of cryptography performance level. It will also perform design-time / run-time verification can assess weak points on models or implementations of CCAM systems showing the actual robustness of embedded cryptosystems. The Okayama team will take part in the identification process of lightweight post-quantum/classical cryptographic algorithms adapted to CCAM systems.